Past EU-funded Projects with NuGO as Partner

Food4Me (April 2011 – April 2015) The complete mapping of the human genome sequence in 2000 introduced the possibility of individualised medicine, including personalised nutrition. During this time the field of “nutrigenomics” emerged, which examines the relationship between food and gene expression. Many were hopeful about the ability to plan diet recommendations based on an individual’s genetic profile. However, the promise of personalised nutrition has failed to develop as a commercial service, and matching dietary advice to genetic profiles has proven difficult. Some companies offer genetic mapping and health reports, but these services are often based on inaccurate information. There is a need to comprehensively analyse the opportunities and challenges in the field of personalised nutrition. In addition, the fundamental question remains, “how can we best use our current understanding of food, genes, and physical traits to design healthier diets tailored for each individual?” To address these concerns, Food4Me has gathered an international group of experts to survey the current knowledge of personalised nutrition, and to explore the application of individualised nutrition advice. The Food4Me project will also investigate consumer attitudes and produce new scientific tools for implementation. * Brochure on future scenarios about personalised nutrition in Europe NutriTECH (January 2012 – July 2016) The goal of NutriTech is to quantify the effect of diet on “phenotypic flexibility”. Phenotypic flexibility extends on metabolic flexibility (the capacity to adapt fuel oxidation to fuel availability) and includes all underlying mechanisms and physiological processes of adaptation when homeostasis is challenged. Methods will in the first instance be evaluated within a human intervention study, and the resulting optimal methods will be validated in a number of existing cohorts against established endpoints. In doing so, we evaluate the use of cutting-edge analytical technologies and methods to study the diet-health relationship and critically assess their usefulness for the future of nutrition research and human well-being. Technologies include genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, laser scanning cytometry, NMR based lipoprotein profiling and advanced imaging by MRI/MRS. * See more at: NutriTech Final Symposium Phenotypic Flexibility – A new concept to quantify and optimise health, and its impact on nutrition research Sana Lisboa Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal 13-14 June 2016 Bridge in Lisbon, Portugal Visit Symposium website for more information EuroDISH (September 2012 – September 2015) The overall goal of EuroDISH is to optimize European food and health research through designing a dedicated Research Infrastructure (RI) that can fully support public health nutrition strategies across Europe. The EuroDISH consortium includes 15 partners from 7 countries, among which is the NuGO Association and 5 NuGO affiliated Institutions. The work programme is designed along the 4 pillars of the “DISH” model: “Determinants, Intake, Status, and Health”, which represent the key building blocks of the food and health research area, as well as different stages of RI development. Qualify (January 2014 – December 2015) Europeans have low compliance to dietary guidelines and recommendations, resulting in poor health and unhealthy ageing. Public health campaigns hardly improve this compliance. A new paradigm emerges of personal dietary advice based on personal preference, health status and assessment, and motivational goals. A number of FP6 and PF7 project have developed concepts, tools and infrastructures with a number of SME involved.QuaLiFy combines these activities and builds a concerted platform on which European SME will mature these developments. A series of SME involved in 1) food composition tables and food intake quantification; 2) self-quantification technologies in genotype, phenotype and nutritional status; 3) data handling and personal advice IT and 4) production and provision of personalized dietary services, will join forces. QuaLiFy will create a solid basis for commercial activities in the area of personalised nutrition by providing a data- and information infrastructure and harmonized open innovation protocols. Two main areas of implementation have been chosen, both based on the interaction between dieticians and client: obese children and type 2 (pre-)diabetics. Furthermore, all applications of QuaLiFY will be tested, integrated and optimized for consumer use in a field lab setting, ”the Nutrition Researcher Cohort”.