About NuGO

NuGO Association
(KvK 09180401)

NuGO is an Association of Universities and Research Institutes. Our focus is joint development of research in molecular nutrition, personalised nutrition, nutrigenomics, and nutritional systems biology. NuGO evolved from an EU Sixth Framework Network of Excellence that ended in 2010. The Association took over some of the Network's activities as well as developing new ones and has expanded activities globally.

NuGO has two major objectives:

  • Stimulating developments in molecular nutrition, personalised nutrition, nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics and nutritional systems biology, and incorporating these aspects in nutrition and health research, by joint research projects, conferences, workshops and training. NuGO can join as partner in your research project.
  • Shaping the nutrition bioinformatics infrastructure, by initiating, coordinating and facilitating projects in this area, and by hosting the dissemination of all data, results and information.

NuGO Participants' Assembly meets once a year during the NuGOweek, the Association's annual scientific meeting. Each member organisation is represented by one person at the Participants' Assembly, we also used to call the General Assembly.

The Management Board deals with policy issues and their implementation and meets five times a year.

Day-to-day activities within NuGO are the responsibility of the NuGO Officers (September, 2024)

CEO: Prof. Lydia Afman (Wageningen University & Research, NL)

Executive Secretary: A/Prof. Susan Coort (Maastricht University, NL)

NuGO Office: Dr. Meike Bünger (Wageningen University & Research, NL)

The NuGO Office is embedded within the department of Human Nutrition & Health of Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands.

Current members of the NuGO Management Board (September, 2024)

Chair: Prof. Baukje de Roos (Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen, UK)

Vice-Chair: Prof. Stine Marie Ulven (University of Oslo, NO)

Board members: Prof. Lynn Vanhaecke (Ghent University, BE), Prof. Lorraine Brennan (UCD, IE), A/Prof. Sergio Polakof (INRAE, FR), A/Prof. Annalisa Terranegra, (Sidra Medicine, QA) and Dr Fiona Malcomson (Newcastle University, UK) who represents the NuGO Early Career Network (ECN)